Riccardo Marzano

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L Grilli, R Marzano, "Do incubatees form more alliances? Nature of the alliance and start-up ownership as contingencies", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-19, 2024

L Grilli, S Mariotti, R Marzano, "Artificial intelligence and shapeshifting capitalism", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 1-16, 2024

S Mariotti, R Marzano, "Janus-like antitrust policy: how to make the pro-FDI orientation prevail", Handbook of International Business Policy, 125-141, 2024

A Kerai, R Marzano, L Piscitello, C Singla, "The role of founder CEO and independent board in family firms' international growth: evidence from India and Italy", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2023

S Mariotti, R Marzano, L Piscitello, "The divestment-reinvestment sequence in foreign countries: The role of relational vs. transactional ownership", Long Range Planning 56 (2), 102306, 2023

L Grilli, R Marzano, "Bridges over troubled water: Incubators and start-ups’ alliances", Technovation 121, 102689, 2023

F Di Pillo, N Levialdi, R Marzano, "Organized crime and waste management costs", Regional Studies 57 (1), 168-180, 2023

S Mariotti, R Marzano, L Piscitello, "Reinvest or not reinvest in the host country? Learning from past divestments to plan future actions", Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry, 344-369, 2022

MD Amore, R Marzano, "Corporate ownership and antitrust violations", The Journal of Law and Economics 65 (2), 369-394, 2022

S Mariotti, R Marzano, L Piscitello, "Divestment and re/investment in a foreign country: the role of ownership relationality", Walking the talk? Transitioning towards a sustainable world, 1-22, 2022

S Mariotti, R Marzano, "The effects of competition policy, regulatory quality and trust on inward FDI in host countries", International Business Review 30 (6), 101887, 2021

S Mariotti, R Marzano, L Piscitello, "The role of family firms’ generational heterogeneity in the entry mode choice in foreign markets", Journal of Business Research 132, 800-812, 2021

S Mariotti, R Marzano, "Institutions, corporate governance, and internationalization of state-owned enterprises in a varieties of capitalism framework1"

S Mariotti, R Marzano, L Piscitello, "Divestment and re-entry sequences by family vs. non-family multinational enterprises", SMS 41st Conference, Virtual Toronto, 1-25, 2021

S Mariotti, R Marzano, "Relational ownership, institutional context, and internationalization of state‐owned enterprises: When and how are multinational co‐owners a plus?", Global Strategy Journal 10 (4), 779-812, 2020

R Marzano, C Rougé, P Garrone, JJ Harou, M Pulido-Velazquez, "Response of residential water demand to dynamic pricing: Evidence from an online experiment", Water Resources and Economics 32, 100169, 2020

P Garrone, L Grilli, R Marzano, "Incentives to water conservation under scarcity: Comparing price and reward effects through stated preferences", Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118632, 2020

MD Amore, R Marzano, "Family ownership and antitrust violations", CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14018, 2019

P Garrone, L Grilli, R Marzano, "Price elasticity of water demand considering scarcity and attitudes", Utilities Policy 59, 100927, 2019

S Mariotti, R Marzano, "Varieties of capitalism and the internationalization of state-owned enterprises", Journal of International Business Studies 50, 669-691, 2019

C Rougé, JJ Harou, M Pulido-Velazquez, ES Matrosov, P Garrone, ..., "Assessment of smart-meter-enabled dynamic pricing at utility and river basin scale", Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 144 (5), 04018019, 2018

R Marzano, C Rouge, P Garrone, L Grilli, JJ Harou, M Pulido-Velazquez, "Determinants of the price response to residential water tariffs: Meta-analysis and beyond", Environmental Modelling & Software 101, 236-248, 2018

P Garrone, L Grilli, A Groppi, R Marzano, "Barriers and drivers in the adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies: a comparative analysis of Italian utilities", Journal of Cleaner Production 171, S69-S78, 2018

S Mariotti, R Marzano, M Mutinelli, L Piscitello, "Governance of family firms and entry mode choice in foreign markets", EIBA 2017 Proceedings, 70-70, 2017

R Marzano, P Garrone, L Grilli, "Price elasticity of residential water demand and water scarcity", WINIR Conference, 2-4, 2016

R Charles, H Julien, G Paola, PV Manuel, R Marzano, G Matteo, ..., "Smart meter enabled dynamic pricing of water"

G Paola, G Luca, R Marzano, "Incentives to water conservation: comparing price and reward effects through stated preferences", AiIG 2016 Conference Proceedings, 1-25, 2016

C Rougé, J Harou, P Garrone, M Pulido-Velazquez, R Marzano, ..., "Smart meter enabled dynamic pricing of water"

C Giuseppe, R Marzano, "Sistemi locali d'innovazione: il ruolo dei servizi pubblici e delle utilities", PERCORSI. ECONOMIA, 141-170, 2016

R Marzano, "One more ride on the merry-go-round! Public ownership and delayed competition in local public services", Journal of Comparative Economics 43 (4), 981-996, 2015

P Garrone, R Marzano, "Why do local governments resist contracting out?", Urban Affairs Review 51 (5), 616-648, 2015

R Marzano, G Paola, G Luca, P Silvia, "Water saving: Do residential consumers respond to price? A meta-analysis", XXVI Annual Conference AiIG Proceedings, 1-32, 2015

R Marzano, "Public Ownership and Competition for the Market: Evidence from the Italian Gas Distribution Sector", Available at SSRN 2405928, 2014

R Marzano, "City objectives and monopoly franchising. An empirical analysis of calls for tenders in Italian gas distribution", Innovation in Public Finance-Conference Proceedings, 1-24, 2014

R Marzano, "One more ride on the merry-go-round! Public ownership and regulatory outcome in local public services", Atti della XXV Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG, 1-32, 2014

R MARZANO, "Local governments and public services restructuring through competitive bidding", Politecnico di Milano, 2012

R Marzano, "Finmeccanica", Lo Stato da gestore di grandi imprese a referente nel loro Governo, 209-232, 2011

R Marzano, "Enel", Lo Stato da gestore di grandi imprese a referente nel loro Governo, 177-192, 2011

P Garrone, R Marzano, M Zaccagnino, "Partnership pubblico-privato nei servizi locali di interesse economico", Tecnedit, 2009

P Garrone, R Marzano, M Zaccagnino, "Qualità delle reti tecnologiche locali nei settori dell’energia elettrica e del gas"

A Croce, E Fumagalli, R Marzano, "Efficiency and service quality in the electricity distribution sector"

R Marzano, L Piscitello, "Sergio Mariotti"

R Marzano, C Rougé, P Garrone, JJ Harou, M Pulido-Velazquez, "Dynamic water pricing: from theory to practice"

L Grilli, S Mariotti, R Marzano, "Call for Papers: Special Issue on" Artificial Intelligence, Varieties of Next Capitalism and Beyond"

MD Amore, R Marzano, "Protecting the family honour: Corporate ownership and antitrust violations"

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