Lucia Tajoli

Full Professor

Short Profile

Lucia Tajoli is Full Professor in Political Economics. She graduated summa cum laude in Economics at Università Bocconi (Italy) in 1988, she received the Diploma in Advanced International Economic Policy Research from the Kiel Institute of World Economics (Germany) in 1991, and she obtained her Ph. D. in Economics at Università Bocconi in 1994. She teaches Economics and International Economics. She collaborates with Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) in Milan, and with the Italian Trade Agency (ex-ICE). She has frequently been visiting scholar and visiting professor at the Ford School of Public Policy of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA).



Her research activity focuses on theoretical and empirical issues related to international trade and economic integration among countries, especially through international fragmentation of production, on the growth impact of economic integration, and on trade policy. Her empirical work on international trade relies both on econometrics and network analysis. On these topics she published about one hundred scientific works on national and international journals, in edited volumes with international publishers and in working papers collections.

Research Lines:
New Dynamics and Impact of Globalization
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E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "How Deep is the Impact of Deep Trade Agreements? An empirical analysis on a large sample", Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica, 207-218, 2024

C Piccardi, L Tajoli, R Vitali, "Patterns of variability in the structure of global value chains: a network analysis", Review of World Economics 160 (3), 1009-1036, 2024

L Tajoli, "Cross-border e-commerce and comparative advantages in digital markets"

L DE BENEDICTIS, L Tajoli, "La posizione internazionale dell’Italia", Il pensiero economico nell’Italia repubblicana, 2024

L Tajoli, "La strategia europea per la sicurezza economica", STRADE BLU, 171-188, 2024

VP Hoang, C Piccardi, L Tajoli, "Reshaping the structure of the World Trade Network: a pivotal role for China?", Applied Network Science 8 (1), 35, 2023

L Tajoli, "Are we heading towards de-globalization?", Back to the future. ISPI Report 2023, 95-105, 2023

L Tajoli, D Tentori, "Falling into pieces. The EU in the puzzle of global trade", ISPI Policy Papers, 1-39, 2023

L Tajoli, "Too much of a good thing? Russia-EU international trade relations at times of war", Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 49 (4), 807-834, 2022

VP Hoang, C Piccardi, L Tajoli, "A network analysis of world trade structural changes (1996–2019)", International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 490-501, 2022

L Tajoli, C Piccardi, VP Hoang, "The structural change of world trade from 1996 to 2019. A network approach"

KP Sauvant, N Srinivasan, L Tajoli, J Zhan, "Matthew Stephenson, Lorraine Eden, Michael Kende, Fukunari Kimura", International Business in Times of Crisis, 2022

M Stephenson, L Eden, M Kende, F Kimura, KP Sauvant, N Srinivasan, ..., "How to be Smart: Leveraging Digital FDI to Address Risk through Growing Capacity and Competitiveness"

G Corò, L Tajoli, "Capitolo 1 Le politiche commerciali e degli investimenti internazionali dopo l’invasione dell’Ucraina", Rapporto al CNEL sulla politica economica estera dell’Italia, 23, 2022

L Tajoli, "La globalizzazione nei mercati digitali", RIVISTA DI POLITICA ECONOMICA 1, 169-184, 2022

L Tajoli, F Airoldi, C Piccardi, "The network of international trade in services", Applied Network Science 6, 1-25, 2021

G Felice, L Tajoli, "Trade balances and global value chains: Is there a link?", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 59, 228-246, 2021

M Stephenson, MFS Hamid, A Peter, KP Sauvant, A Seric, L Tajoli, "More and better investment now! How unlocking sustainable and digital investment flows can help achieve the SDGs", Journal of International Business Policy 4 (1), 152, 2021

M Stephenson, L Eden, F Kimura, KP Sauvant, N Srinivasan, L Tajoli, ..., "Leveraging digital FDI for capacity and competitiveness: How to be smart", T20, Task Force 3, 2021

L Tajoli, "Trasformazioni digitali e competitività internazionale delle imprese italiane", Rivista Di Politica Economica 1, 107-122, 2020

F Bruni, L Tajoli, "Il mondo economico-finanziario: globale o frammentato?", Lavori in corso. La fine di un mondo, atto II, 51-79, 2020

M Tantardini, F Ieva, L Tajoli, C Piccardi, "Comparing methods for comparing networks", Scientific reports 9 (1), 17557, 2019

E Marvasi, L Salvatici, L Tajoli, "International trade in the 21st century: the role of non-tariff measures and international certifications"

L Tajoli, "Le guerre dei dazi: verso la fine della WTO?", Rapporto ISPI. Scenari globali e l'Italia, 65-76, 2019

A Abbate, L De Benedictis, G Fagiolo, L Tajoli, "Distance-varying assortativity and clustering of the international trade network–ADDENDUM", Network Science 6 (4), 633-633, 2018

P De Lombaerde, L Iapadre, A McCranie, L Tajoli, "Using network analysis to study globalization, regionalization, and multi-polarity—Introduction to special section", Network Science 6 (4), 494-516, 2018

A Abbate, L De Benedictis, G Fagiolo, L Tajoli, "Distance-varying assortativity and clustering of the international trade network", Network Science 6 (4), 517-544, 2018

C Piccardi, L Tajoli, "Complexity, centralization, and fragility in economic networks", PloS one 13 (11), e0208265, 2018

R Meléndez-Ortiz, A Berger, S Cheng, S Diaz de Serralde, ..., "New Industrial Revolution: Upgrading Trade and Investment Frameworks for Digitalization", Available at SSRN 3493608, 2018

L Tajoli, G Felice, "Global value chains participation and knowledge spillovers in developed and developing countries: An empirical investigation", The European Journal of Development Research 30 (3), 505-532, 2018

I Cingolani, L Iapadre, L Tajoli, "International production networks and the world trade structure", International Economics 153, 11-33, 2018

C Piccardi, M Riccaboni, L Tajoli, Z Zhu, "Random walks on the world input–output network", Journal of Complex Networks 6 (2), 187-205, 2018

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Global and local centrality of emerging countries in the world trade network"

I Cingolani, P Panzarasa, L Tajoli, "La centralità dei paesi nelle catene globali del valore", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2017-2018, 34-41, 2018

I Cingolani, P Panzarasa, L Tajoli, "Countries’ positions in the international global value networks: Centrality and economic performance", Applied Network Science 2, 1-20, 2017

L Tajoli, "Riflessioni sulle Considerazioni Finali del Governatore delle Banca d’Italia: alcuni temi di economia internazionale"

L Tajoli, "Commercio e clima: multilateralismo al capolinea?", Piccola Biblioteca Oscar Mondadori, 109-127, 2017

M Giuffrida, L Tajoli, "Le esportazioni digitali italiane", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2016-2017, 273-277, 2017

T Lucia, "Firms' internationalization, economic growth and trade agreements", Stato e mercato, 51-78, 2017

L Tajoli, "Internazionalizzazione delle imprese, crescita economica e accordi commerciali", Stato e mercato 37 (1), 51-78, 2017

PL Iapadre, L Tajoli, "Assessing globalization and regionalization through network indices"

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Comparative advantage and centrality in the world network of trade and value added: an analysis of the Italian position", Rivista di Politica Economica 66 (3), 1-36, 2016

A AMIGHINI, E BORGHI, L TAJOLI, "Proceedings of the Workshop on" Trade and Economic Relations with Asia""

A Amighini, A Allard, A Van Assche, B Vandermarliere, B Cronin, ..., "Networks of international trade and investment", Vernon Art and Science Inc, 2016

A Amighini, E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "The role of Global Value Chains in Asia", Trade and Economic Relations with Asia, 18-28, 2016

A Amighini, E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, A Berkofsky, G Khandekar, ..., "Trade and economic relations with Asia", Unione Europea, 2016

L DE BENEDICTIS, G Giovannetti, L Tajoli, L Salvatici, A Olper, "PRIN2015-Global Value Chains, Network Dynamics and Trade Policies: Analysis and implications for EU countries, firms and people (GVCNDTP)."

A Amighini, E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "Asia as a new global engine: foreign trade and regional cooperation", Trade and economic relations with Asia: workshop, 11-53, 2016

L Tajoli, "Le catene globali del valore nella nuova fase della globalizzazione"

S Giusti, L Tajoli, "The Pros and Cons of ‘de facto’Polish Opting-Out of the EMU", Europe in Crisis: A Structural Analysis, 181-201, 2016

I Cingolani, L Iapadre, L Tajoli, "Trade regionalisation and international production networks in Asia"

I Cingolani, C Piccardi, L Tajoli, "Discovering preferential patterns in sectoral trade networks", PloS one 10 (10), e0140951, 2015

L Tajoli, C TOMAS, "Role of wholesalers and distribution groups in international trade"

D Horgos, L Tajoli, "How offshoring can affect the industries’ skill composition", Economies 3 (2), 72-99, 2015

C Piccardi, L Tajoli, "Are preferential agreements significant for the world trade structure? A network community analysis", Kyklos 68 (2), 220-239, 2015

I Cingolani, G Felice, L Tajoli, "External Imbalances in the European Union and International Fragmentation of Production: Is There a Link?", Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Development Studies Working Paper, 2015

A Dal Bianco, R Helg, L Tajoli, E Borghi, "La stima delle ricadute dell'accordo di libero scambio" Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)" sulla Lombardia", Regione Lombardia, 2015

E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "TTIP: challenges and opportunities in the area of textiles and labelling", European Union, 2015

E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "TTIP: challenges and opportunities for the internal market and consumer protection in the area of textile and labeling", European Parliament, 2015

G Babayan, "The impact of institutional factors on attracting foreign direct investment flows", Politecnico di Milano, 2015

G Felice, L Tajoli, "Innovation and the international fragmentation of production: Complements or substitutes?"

AM Falzoni, L Tajoli, "International fragmentation of production and trade volatility: an analysis for the European countries", Modern Economy 6 (3), 358-369, 2015

L De Benedictis, S Nenci, G Santoni, L Tajoli, C Vicarelli, "Network analysis of world trade using the BACI-CEPII dataset", Global Economy Journal 14 (03n04), 287-343, 2014

G Felice, L Tajoli, "External imbalances in the European Union and international fragmentation of production", Proceedings of the International Atlantic Economic Conference, 2014

E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "Impatto dell'area di libero scambio tra Unione europea e Stati Uniti", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale: rapporto ICE 2013-2014, 76-80, 2014

E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "Trade effects of the Transatlantic trade and investment partnership"

PL Iapadre, L Tajoli, "Emerging countries and trade regionalization. A network analysis", Journal of Policy Modeling 36, S89-S110, 2014

G Felice, L Tajoli, "External Imbalances in the European Union and International Fragmentation of Production: Is There a Link?", Politec-nico di Milano and Centro Studi Lucad'Agliano Working Paper, 2013

L DE BENEDICTIS, L Tajoli, "Vantaggio comparato e centralità sui mercati internazionali: alcuni risultati relativi alla specializzazione italiana", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, 168-173, 2013

S Giusti, L Tajoli, "La presidenza russa del G20"

L Tajoli, "International trade in a global system: suggestions from the analysis of the World Trade Network", Proceedings of ARS 2013, 2013

L Tajoli, "Squilibri europei e posizione tedesca"

G Felice, L Tajoli, "External imbalances in the Euro area and International fragmentation of production: is there a link?", ETSG 15th Annual Conference, 1-20, 2013

G Felice, L Tajoli, "Il commercio internazionale in valore aggiunto nell'Unione Europea", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2012-2013, 55-59, 2013

E Borghi, R Helg, L Tajoli, "Le relazioni economiche Italia-Nord Africa e la sfida delle rivolte arabe", Aspenia 60, 2013

L Tajoli, E Borghi, R Helg, "Internationalization in the Mediterranean basin", Innovation and competitiveness in the Mediterranean area, 249-311, 2013


L Tajoli, "Saldo della bilancia commerciale in% del PIL"

C Piccardi, L Tajoli, "Existence and significance of communities in the world trade web"

C Piccardi, L Tajoli, "The Relevance and Significance of Preferential Trade in the World Trade Network", Freit, 2012

L Tajoli, "Il ruolo dell'internazionalizzazione per le medie imprese italiane", Indagine sulle medie imprese industriali italiane, 27-33, 2012

L Tajoli, E Borghi, R Helg, "Conseguenze economiche della Primavera Araba", Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, 2012

L Tajoli, A Abbate, L De Benedictis, G Fagiolo, "The International Trade Network in Space and Time", LEM-Institute of Economics, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, 2012

L Tajoli, "I benefici della moneta unica: Deutschland über alles"

AM Falzoni, L Tajoli, "The effects of offshoring on the composition of employment in Italy", World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2012

A Abbate, L De Benedictis, G Fagiolo, L Tajoli, "The international trade network in space and time", LEM Working Paper Series, 2012

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "The world trade network", The World Economy 34 (8), 1417-1454, 2011

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Measuring Economic Integration"

L Tajoli, L De Benedictis, "The world trade network", WORLD ECONOMY 34 (8), 1417-1454, 2011

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Trade Similarity across the Mediterranean Basin", Bridging the gap: the role of trade and FDI in the Mediterranean, 293-312, 2011

L Tajoli, M Armenise, "Le politiche commerciali", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto 2010-2011, 75-92, 2011

AM Falzoni, L Tajoli, "Frammentazione internazionale della produzione e fluttuazioni degli scambi internazionali: un’analisi della situazione europea", L'ITALIA NELL'ECONOMIA INTERNAZIONALE. RAPPORTO ICE... 2010, 57-64, 2011

N Bottini, L Tajoli, "Does the interaction between service and manufacturing explain the recent trends in export specialization"

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "International Trade networks and intermediate inputs"

L TAJOLI, "The WTO accession's impacts on Vietnam exports and foreign direct investments", Politecnico di Milano, 2010

PP Celeste, F Onida, CC Visani, L De Benedictis, S De Nardis, ..., "L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2009-2010", Istituto Nazionale Commercio Estero, 2010

L DE BENEDICTIS, L Tajoli, "L'Italia, la crisi del commercio internazionale e la crisi degli scambi commerciali mondiali", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2009-2010, 163-167, 2010

L Tajoli, N Bottini, "Does the interaction between services and manufacturing explain the recent trends in export specialization? A look at the evidence from the EU"

L Tajoli, I Cingottini, "Scambi con l'estero dell'Unione Europea", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2009-2010, 43-60, 2010

L Tajoli, "Crisi economica internazionale e commercio mondiale"

L Tajoli, D Horgos, "How offshoring can affect the industries’ skill composition"

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Comparing sectoral international trade networks", Aussenwirtschaft, 2010

PP Celeste, F Onida, L De Benedictis, S De Nardis, G Giovannetti, ..., "L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2008-2009", Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero, 2009

L Tajoli, "The crisis goes East: a stop to transition?", ISPI POLICY BRIEF 172, 2009

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Similarity in export composition and catching-up", Macerata University, Department of Finance and Economic Sciences Working Papers, 2008

AM Falzoni, L Tajoli, "Offshoring and the skill composition of employment in the Italian manufacturing industries"

L Tajoli, "How much integration after the enlargement?"

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Similarity in trade structures, integration and catching‐up1", Economics of Transition 16 (2), 165-182, 2008

L DE BENEDICTIS, R Helg, L Tajoli, "Gli effetti del Doha Round sui mercati dei prodotti manufatti"

S Baldone, L Tajoli, "Ricadute dell'aumento del prezzo del petrolio sul traffico commerciale tra l'UE15 ei suoi fornitori di greggio", Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero, 2008

L DE BENEDICTIS, T Lucia, "La rete degli scambi commerciali mondiali", L'Italia nell'Economia Internazionale, 68-77, 2008

L De Benedictis, R Helg, L Tajoli, "Gli effetti sui mercati dei prodotti manifatturieri"

AM Falzoni, L Tajoli, "Does offshoring affect the domestic labor market? The case of Italy", mimeo, 2007

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "On some effects of international fragmentation of production on comparative advantages, trade flows and the income of countries", World Economy 30 (11), 1726-1769, 2007

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Economic integration and similarity in trade structures", Empirica 34, 117-137, 2007

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Openness, similarity in export composition, and income dynamics", The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 16 (1), 93-116, 2007

M Armenise, L Tajoli, "Le politiche commerciali", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2006-2007, 113-143, 2007

I Cingottini, S Nicolai, L Tajoli, "Scambi con l'estero dell'Unione Europea", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2006-2007, 77-98, 2007

R Mosca, L Tajoli, "La proiezione internazionale dell’economia pugliese", Rubbettino, 2007

L Tajoli, "La competitività dell’Europa centro-orientale: il punto di vista italiano", EAST 15, 120-121, 2007

A Falzoni, L Tajoli, "Does outsourcing abroad intermediates and jobs affect the domestic labor market? The case of Italy"

L Tajoli, "Le economie dell’Ue a due anni dall’ingresso dei nuovi membri", ISPI Policy Brief n. 44, 1-6, 2006

L Tajoli, "Effective protection and trade policy in presence of international production networks", http://www. etsg. org/ETSG2006/ETSG2006Programme. htm, 2006

C Bonassi, L Tajoli, "Scambi con l'estero dell'Unione Europea", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2005-2006 2, 85-128, 2006

L Tajoli, LD Benedictis, "Economic integration and similarity in trade structures", Nota di Lavoro, 2006

L Piscitello, L Tajoli, "Il modello di specializzazione italiano: un'analisi estesa a più forme di internazionalizzazione", Economia e politica industriale, 2006

R Helg, L Tajoli, "Patterns of international fragmentation of production and the relative demand for labor", The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 16 (2), 233-254, 2005

L Piscitello, L Tajoli, "The relationship between forms of internationalization. Evidence from the Italian case"

L Tajoli, "Le conseguenze economiche dell'allargamento dell'Unione Europea", L'Italia e la politica internazionale, edizione 2005, 153-163, 2005

G De Arcangelis, L DE BENEDICTIS, L Tajoli, "Un’analisi settoriale comparata della frammentazione internazionale della produzione verso la Romania", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, 2005

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Patterns of trade, delocalization choices and catching-up"

L Piscitello, L Tajoli, "The Italian model of specialization: which relationship between forms of internationalization?"

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Converging trade structures and growth", CD, 2004

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Economic integration, similarity and convergence in the EU and CEECs trade structures"

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Economic integration, similarity and convergence in the EU and CEECs trade structures, Session 4: European integration and the EU enlargement problem", forma elettronica, 2004

L Tajoli, "La politica europea di cooperazione allo sviluppo: quali prospettive per l'Unione allargata?", RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI, 20-21, 2004

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Openness, similarity in trade structures and income convergence", forma elettronica, 2004

R Helg, L Tajoli, "Patterns of international fragmentation of production and implications for the labor markets", U. of Michigan Research Seminar in International Economics Working Paper, 2004


F Strada, L Tajoli, "European economic convergence and trade structures", Convergence in the enlarged European Union, 37-63, 2003

S Giusti, "Convergence in the Enlarged European Union", Egea, 2003

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Similarity and convergence in the EU and CEECs trade structures"

S Giusti, L Tajoli, "The accession countries in the process of European integration: from Westernization to Convergence", Convergence in the Enlarged European Union, XV-XXXI, 2003

L Tajoli, "Un livellamento verso il basso? Commercio internazionale dei paesi entranti e quote di mercato da dividere", Nuova Europa problemi e rischi, 49-71, 2003

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Moving to Central-Eastern Europe: production and competitiveness of the European textile and apparel industry", The Economics of Enlargement, 199-271, 2003

L Tajoli, L DE BENEDICTIS, "Economic integration, similarity and convergence in the EU and CEECs trade structures"

L Tajoli, "EU CEECs Convergence in Trade Structures: Does International Fragmentation of Production Matter?;[prepared in the Context of the EU 5. Framework Project" EU Enlargement: the â€¦", HWWA, 2003

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Economic Integration, Similarity and Convergence in the EU and CEECs Trade Structures: Prepared in the Context of the EU 5. Framework Project" EU Enlargement: the Impact of â€¦", HWWA, 2003

L Tajoli, Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale, "EU-CEECs Convergence in Trade Structures: a Closer Look to the Past Decade", ISPI, 2003

L Tajoli, "EU-CEECs convergence in trade structures: Does international fragmentation of production matter?", Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv, 2003

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Patterns and Determinants of International Fragmentation of Production: Evidence from Outward Processing Trade between the EU and Central-Eastern European Countries"

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Moving to Central-Eastern Europe: international fragmentation of production and competitiveness of the European textile and apparel industry"

L Tajoli, S Baldone, F Sdogati, "Frammentazione internazionale della produzione e crescita"

L Tajoli, R Helg, "Patterns of international fragmentation of production and implications for the labor markets"

R Helg, L Tajoli, "Patterns of international fragmentation of production and implications for the labour markets of Germany and Italy"

L Tajoli, "Scambi internazionali e frammentazione internazionale della produzione: la posizione dell’Italia come fornitore terzista nel Traffico di Perfezionamento Attivo"

L Tajoli, "Scambi internazionali e frammentazione internazionale della produzione", www. l liuc. it/grugmanobstfeld/frammentazione/default. htm, 2002

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "EU Enlargement to the CEECS: Trade Competition, Delocalisation of Production, and Effects on the Economies of the Union", Fanco Angeli, 2002

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "La posizione dell'Italia nella frammentazione internazionale dei processi produttivi", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale, 279-283, 2002

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Moving to central-eastern Europe: fragmentation of production and competitiveness of the European textile and apparel industry", Rivista di Politica Economica 92 (1), 209-282, 2002

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Patterns and determinants of international fragmentation of production: evidence from outward processing trade between the EU and Central Eastern European countries", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 137 (1), 80-104, 2001

L Tajoli, "Implicazioni dell’allargamento per le politiche regionali e strutturali", Roma, 2001

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "International Fragmentation of Production, Comparative Advantage, and Growth"

C Guagliano, L Tajoli, "Implicazioni per la Politica Agricola Comune e per il settore agricolo", Roma, 2001

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "The role of international fragmentation of production in the new forms of international division of labor"

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Frammentazione internazionale della produzione e crescita"

MR Battaggion, L Tajoli, "Ownership structure, innovation process and competitive performance: the case of Italy"

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Il traffico di perfezionamento passivo con i paesi dell'Europa Centrale e Orientale nel comparto tessile-abbigliamento: un'analisi strutturale per i principali committenti dell â€¦"

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Specificità italiane nel processo di frammentazione internazionale della produzione"

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "La posizione dell'Italia nelle nuove forme di divisione internazionale del lavoro"

L Tajoli, "The economic integration between the EU and the CEECs: can we learn from the past?", forma elettronica, 2000

MR Battaggion, L Tajoli, "Ownership Structure, Innovation Process and Competitive Performance: the Case of Italy: Paper Prepared for the Corporate Governance and Investment Project Workshop, Aarhus, 13 â€¦"

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Patterns and Determinants of International Fragmentation of Production: Evidence from Outward Processing Trade Between the EU and the Countries of Central-Eastern Europe", Queen Elizabeth House, 2000

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "International fragmentation of production and competitiveness in the Textile and Apparel Industry", Glasgow (UK), 2000

L Tajoli, "The impact of tied aid on trade flows between donor and recipient countries", Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 8 (4), 373-388, 1999

L Tajoli, "The Economic Integration Between the European Union and the Central and Eastern European Countries: Can We Learn from the Past?", Politecnico, 1998

L Tajoli, "Expanding Memberships of the European Union", Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia 55 (3), 445-446, 1996

L Tajoli, "Alcune considerazioni sui legami tra teoria della crescita endogena e teoria del commercio internazionale", Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia, 241-264, 1996

L Tajoli, "Commercio internazionale e crescita economica", Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia 55 (1), 141-142, 1996

L Tajoli, "Theory, Policy and Dynamics in International Trade. Essays in Honor of RW Jones", Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia 54 (7/9), 493-494, 1995

L Tajoli, "Trade, Development and Political Economy. Selected Essays of Ronald Findlay", Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia 53 (10/12), 592-593, 1994

L Tajoli, "Il modello di specializzazione dell'Italia nel contesto europeo", Centro studi sui processi di internazionalizzazione, 1992

L Tajoli, "The'New'Growth Theory and Its Implications for International Trade", Centro studi sui processi di internazionalizzazione, 1991

C Pitassi, L Tajoli, "L'interscambio mondiale di servizi e la posizione dell'Italia", Centro studi sui processi di internazionalizzazione, 1990


L Tajoli, AM Falzoni, "Il protezionismo nel settore tessile-abbigliamento e l'Accordo multifibre"

R Helg, L Tajoli, "La funzione di importazione in Italia: un'analisi disaggregata per destinazione economica dei beni"

L Tajoli, F Sdogati, "Patterns and Determinants of International Fragmentation of Production: Evidence from Outward Processing Trade..."

MF di Anna, L Tajoli, "Frammentazione internazionale della produzione e fluttuazioni degli scambi internazionali: un’analisi della situazione europea"

L De Benedictis, L Tajoli, "Centrality in the World Network of Trade and Value Added: a comparison of European countries"


L Tajoli, L Piscitello, "Il modello di specializzazione italiano: un'analisi estesa a più forme di internazionalizzazione", Economia e politica industriale. Fascicolo 3, 2005, 1000-1012, 0

AM Falzoni, L Tajoli, "Forthcoming in: RM Stern (ed.), Quantitative Analysis of Newly Evolving Patterns of International Trade: Fragmentation; Offshoring of Activities; and Vertical Intra-Industry â€¦"

L Tajoli, "Effective protection and trade policy in presence of international fragmentation of production"

S Paladini, L Tajoli, "quadro d’insieme"

I Cingottini, L Tajoli, "quadro d’insieme"

J Hinloopen, C Van Marrewijk, G Galati, G Yang, KE Maskus, S Baldone, ..., "Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv"

S Baldone, F Sdogati, L Tajoli, "Effects of International Fragmentation of Production on the Comparative Advantage and the Income of Countries"

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