Stefano Elia

Associate Professor

Short Profile

Stefano Elia, Ph.D. in Management Engineering, is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He was ‘‘Dunning Visiting Fellow’’ at the University of Reading, ‘‘Visiting Research Fellow’’ at the University of Leeds, and ‘‘Marie Curie Fellow’’ at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is co-director of the Master in “International Business and Digital Transformation” at the Polimi GSoM (Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Management) and Rector’s Delegate for International Relations with Western Europe. He teaches the course 'Microeconomics' for bachelor students, conducts the Lab 'Investing in Foreign Markets' for M.Sc. students, and offers various other International Business and Global Management courses for postgraduate and executive students. His research interests deal with multinational firms from emerging countries, offshoring and reshoring of service and manufacturing activities, micro-foundation and behavioral economics applied to international business, digital technologies and internationalization, and sustainable international business. He authored 9 book chapters and 37 refereed articles in leading international journals including, among others, the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of World Business, Journal of Economic Geography, Economic Geography, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, Management International Review, and Journal of Business Research.



His main research interests deal with: offshoring, global sourcing and global value chain, location, relocation and reshoring choices, resilience and strategic dependencies, micro-foundation of international business, multinational firms from emerging countries,

Research Lines:
New Dynamics and Impact of Globalization
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C Di Stefano, S Elia, P Garrone, L Piscitello, "DISENTANGLING THE EFFECTS OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY", Walking the Talk?: MNEs Transitioning Towards a Sustainable World, 2024

C Di Stefano, S Elia, P Garrone, L Piscitello, "Disentangling the Effects of Circular Economy Principles on GVCs’ Activities, Configuration, and Governance", Walking the Talk? MNEs Transitioning Towards a Sustainable World 18, 319-333, 2024

M Barbaglia, R Bianchini, V Butticè, S Elia, "De-internationalization or Re-internationalization? The Role of Environmental Sustainability Orientation at Firm and Country level"

S Elia, G Hoxha, L Piscitello, "Corporate Social Responsibility, Irresponsibility, and Firms’ Financial Performance: Evidence from Emerging versus Developed Countries"

S Walker, R Hallifax, S Ricciardi, D Fitzgerald, M Keijzers, O Lauk, ..., "Joint ERS/EACTS/ESTS clinical practice guidelines on adults with spontaneous pneumothorax", European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 65 (5), ezae189, 2024

S Elia, A Goerzen, L Piscitello, A Valentino, "Re‐Evaluating the Offshoring Decision: A Behavioural Approach to the Role of Performance Discrepancy", Journal of Management Studies 61 (1), 178-229, 2024

M Barbaglia, R Bianchini, V Butticè, S Elia, MM Mariani, "The role of environmental sustainability in the relocation choices of MNEs: Back to the home country or welcome in a new host country?", Journal of International Management 29 (5), 101059, 2023

T Vallone, S Elia, P Greve, "International environmental complexity and the demand for generalists and specialists in executive selection", Global Strategy Journal 13 (3), 581-619, 2023

C Di Stefano, S Elia, P Garrone, L Piscitello, "The Circular Economy as a new production paradigm to enhance resilience of MNEs and the economic system", AIB Insights 23 (3), 1-7, 2023

P Buckley, ST Cavusgil, S Elia, S Munjal, "The evolution of emerging economy multinationals", Journal of Business Research 160, 113746, 2023

S Elia, MM Larsen, L Piscitello, "Choosing misaligned governance modes when offshoring business functions: A prospect theory perspective", Global Strategy Journal 13 (2), 251-280, 2023

S Elia, G Renna, "Offshoring vs Further Offshoring: A Multi-level Analysis on the Firm-, Country-and Industry-Specific Drivers of Business Model Reconfiguration", Reconfiguration of Business Models and Ecosystems, 47-65, 2023

S Elia, G Hoxha, L Piscitello, "How Does Corporate Social Irresponsibility Affect Corporate Financial Performance of Emerging vs. Developed Countries Firms? The Moderating Role Stemming From the Adoption of â€¦", International Business Resilience under Global Disruptions, 1-41, 2023

M Barbaglia, R Bianchini, V Buttice, S Elia, M Mariani, "How Does Environmental Sustainability Affect Multinationals’ Relocation Choices? A Stakeholder and Signaling Theory-Based Approach", International Business Resilience under Global Disruptions, 1-38, 2023

C Di Stefano, S Elia, P Garrone, L Piscitello, "The Adoption of a CE Paradigm by the MNEs: Impacts of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Principles on Governance and Localization Strategies", International Business Resilience under Global Disruptions, 1-23, 2023

S Elia, L Grilli, "Go and Expand Abroad! Connecting the Type and Length of Entrepreneurs’ International Experience With the Internationalization of Their Start-Ups", International Business Resilience under Global Disruptions, 1-40, 2023

S Elia, I Barbakadze, D Castellani, I Surdu, "My Right Honourable Friend! When Do MNEs Use Relational Corporate Political Activity?", Academy of Management Proceedings, 1-42, 2023

S Elia, G Hoxha, L Piscitello, "The Relationship between Supply Chain Irresponsibility and Financial Performance: An expectancy violation approach", Business Value and Social Impact in Changing Local and Global Contexts, 1-20, 2023

S Elia, G Hoxha, L Piscitello, "Corporate Social Responsibility, Irresponsibility, and firms’ financial performance: evidence from emerging vs. developed countries"

S Elia, G Hoxha, L Piscitello, "Supply Chain Irresponsibility and Financial Performance: Moderating Effects of Country of Origin, Reputation, and Sustainable Practices–A Stakeholder and Expectancy Violation â€¦", The Changing Global Power Balance: Challenges for European Firms, 1-40, 2023

S Elia, G Grassi, M Guida, C Di Stefano, L Piscitello, A Moretto, F Caniato, "Procurement Strategy for Resilience and Sustainability-A Vignette-based Experiment"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "Italian Supply Backshoring and the relationship between Deglobalization, Decoupling & European Regionalization"

I Barbakadze, D Castellani, S Elia, IM Surdu, "‘My Right Honourable Friend!’When Do MNEs Use Relational Corporate Political Activity?", Academy of Management Proceedings 2023 (1), 15054, 2023

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C DI STEFANO, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, ..., "Processi di reshoring nella manifattura italiana", Rivista di politica economica 1, 79-114, 2023

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "How does Industry 4.0 affect international exposure? The interplay between firm innovation and home-country policies in post-offshoring relocation decisions", International Business Review 31 (4), 101992, 2022

F De Beule, S Elia, J Garcia-Bernardo, EM Heemskerk, A Jaklič, ..., "Proximity at a distance: The relationship between foreign subsidiary co-location and MNC headquarters board interlock formation", International Business Review 31 (4), 101971, 2022

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, D Sirtori, ..., "Please dont go! Understanding the host-country factors affecting relocation choices to minimize job losses", Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry, 235-258, 2022

C Di Stefano, S Elia, P Garrone, L Piscitello, "MNEs meet the Circular Economy paradigm: disentangling the effects of reduce, reuse, and recycle principles on GVCs’ activities, configuration, and governance", Walking the talk? Transitioning towards a sustainable world, 1-18, 2022

S Elia, P Greve, T Vallone, "International Complexity and the Demand for Generalists and Specialists in Executive Selection"

I Barbakadze, D Castellani, S Elia, I Surdu, "All Aboard! When Do MNEs Use Relational Corporate Political Activity?"

S Elia, G Hoxha, L Piscitello, "Corporate Irresponsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: exploring the moderating role of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in emerging vs. developed â€¦", Walking the talk? Transitioning towards a sustainable world, 1-20, 2022

M Barbaglia, R Bianchini, V Butticè, S Elia, "The interplay between environmental sustainability and relocation choices of MNEs: how does it affect international exposure?", Redesigning networks and supply chains in time of transition, 1-38, 2022

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, ..., "Disentangling reshoring types: empirical evidence from Italy"

C Di Stefano, S Elia, P Garrone, L Piscitello, "MNEs meet the Circular Economy paradigm", Multinational Companies and Sustainability in Global Supply Chains, 1-15, 2022

S Elia, G Hoxha, L Piscitello, "How does corporate social irresponsibility affect corporate financial performance? The moderating role stemming from the country of origin and from the adoption of sustainable â€¦", Redesigning networks and supply chains in time of transition, 1-35, 2022

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "Disentangling reshoring types: empirical evidence from Italy"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "What can we plausibly bring back? Opening a discussion on reshoring of supplies"

S Elia, P Greve, T Vallone, D Castellani, "The micro-foundations of industrial diversification through foreign acquisitions: the multifaceted role of CEO experience", Long Range Planning 54 (6), 102104, 2021

S Elia, L Fratocchi, P Barbieri, A Boffellid, M Kalchschmidt, "Post-pandemic reconfiguration from global to domestic and regional value chains: the role of industrial policies"

S Elia, M Giuffrida, MM Mariani, S Bresciani, "Resources and digital export: An RBV perspective on the role of digital technologies and capabilities in cross-border e-commerce", Journal of Business Research 132, 158-169, 2021

S Elia, L Piscitello, A Goerzen, A Valentino, "Post-offshoring scenarios: a behavioral approach to the decision-making process"

S Elia, T Vallone, P Greve, "How the Top Management Team’s Composition Influences the Foreign Establishment Mode Choice Deviation of UK Manufacturing Firms"

S Elia, T Vallone, P Greve, "One for Me, One for You: International Complexity and the Demand for Generalists and Specialists in Executive Selection"

S Elia, M Barbaglia, V Buttice, R Bianchini, "De-internationalization or re-internationalization? The role of environmental sustainability at firm and country-level", Rethinking Sustainability and Resilience after the Covid-19 pandemic, 1-33, 2021

S Elia, L Piscitello, G Hoxha, "Corporate controversies and corporate financial performance–exploring the ambiguous moderating role of sustainable supply chain management practices (SSCM) in emerging vs â€¦"

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Dalle catene del valore globali a quelle locali. Il covid riconfigura le filiere produttive", SISTEMI & IMPRESA 6, 69-73, 2021

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "15 COVID-19 and Global Value Chains", Covid-19 and International Business: Change of Era, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "Covid-19 and global value chains: reconfiguration of activities across borders", Covid-19 and International Business, 169-179, 2020

S Elia, M Kafouros, PJ Buckley, "The role of internationalization in enhancing the innovation performance of Chinese EMNEs: A geographic relational approach", Journal of International Management 26 (4), 100801, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, D Samson, "What can we learn about reshoring after Covid-19?", Operations Management Research 13, 131-136, 2020

S Elia, S Munjal, VG Scalera, "Sourcing technological knowledge through foreign inward licensing to boost the performance of Indian firms: The contingent effects of internal R&D and business group affiliation", Management International Review 60 (5), 695-721, 2020

I Alon, S Elia, S Li, "Greenfield or M&A? An institutional and learning perspective on the establishment mode choice of Chinese outward investments", Journal of International Management 26 (3), 100758, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Please don’t go: contrasting the reshoring of foreign investments through country-specific factors to preserve the national workforce"

S Elia, S Munjal, VG Scalera, "Sourcing foreign technological knowledge through inward licensing to boost the performance of Indian emerging market firms: The contingent effects of internal R&D and business â€¦", Management International Review, 2020

T Bloc, B Industry, TY Knowledge, C Tool, VC Insights, "What is still emerging about EMNEs? Setting the agenda for future research"

T Vallone, S Elia, P Greve, L Longoni, D Marinelli, "Top management team influence on firms’ internationalization complexity"

S Elia, MM Larsen, L Piscitello, "Entry mode deviation: A behavioral approach to internalization theory", Journal of International Business Studies 50 (8), 1359-1371, 2019

S Elia, S Massini, R Narula, "Disintegration, modularity and entry mode choice: Mirroring technical and organizational architectures in business functions offshoring", Journal of Business Research 103, 417-431, 2019

F Albertoni, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Inertial vs. mindful repetition of previous entry mode choices: Do firms always learn from experience?", Journal of Business Research 103, 530-546, 2019

S Elia, M Giuffrida, L Piscitello, "Does e-commerce facilitate or complicate SMEs' internationalisation?"

S Elia, AM Petruzzelli, L Piscitello, "The impact of cultural diversity on innovation performance of MNC subsidiaries in strategic alliances", Journal of Business Research 98, 204-213, 2019

P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, R Golini, "Relocation of second degree: Moving towards a new place or returning home?", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2019

S Elia, A Goertzen, L Piscitello, A Valentino, "What’s Next? Strategic Reactions to Post-offshoring Performance", What Now? International Business in a Confused World Order, 1-20, 2019

S Elia, L Piscitello, MM Larsen, "Theoretically Misaligned Entry Modes: A Risk-propensity Approach", What Now? International Business in a Confused World Order, 1-38, 2019


S Elia, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, G Dima, "The location advantages of efficiency-seeking firms in the era of Industry 4.0: a study on the relocations of second degree"

L Grilli, S Elia, "Do foreign studying and working experiences impact the international vocation of entrepreneurs?", Contemporary Issues in International Business, 1-35, 2019

S Elia, L Fratocchi, P Barbieri, G Dima, "RSDs of efficiency-seeking firms: The role of industy 4.0 technology intensity and policies", Ideas, Economies and Policies, 1-29, 2019

S Elia, M Giuffrida, L Piscitello, "Barriers to the adoption of cross border e-commerce by SMEs: Evidence from Italian Fashion and Food Industries"

S Elia, I Alon, S Li, "Chinese Greenfield Investments: An Institutional and Learning Perspective"

S Elia, A Goertzen, L Piscitello, A Valentino, "The Effects of Offshoring Performances on the PostOffshoring Strategic Choices of MNCs: An Exploratory Study"

S Elia, PJ Buckley, M Kafouros, "The Role of Internationalization in Enhancing the Innovation Performance of Emerging Country Firms"

S Elia, L Piscitello, M Giuffrida, "E-commerce & SMEs’ Internationalisation: The Usual “Liability of” Story?", EIBAZINE 25, 9-15, 2019

S Elia, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, G Dima, "Relocations of Second Degree of Efficiency-Seeking Firms: the Role of Industry 4.0 Technology Intensity and Policies"

PJ Buckley, S Elia, M Kafouros, "Acquisitions by emerging market multinationals: Implications for firm performance: Networked Multinational Enterprises in the Modern Global Economy", The Global Factory, 184-205, 2018

S Elia, PJ Buckley, M Kafouros, "Acquisitions by emerging multinationals: Implications for firm performance", The global Factory, 611-632, 2018

S Elia, L Piscitello, MM Larsen, "Entry mode deviation from internalization theory predictions"

P Greve, T Vallone, S Elia, "The microfoundations of industrial diversification through M&As: an empirical analysis of UK firms"

S Elia, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, R Golini, "Should I stay (abroad, but in another country) or should I go (back home)? A study on the intra-EU relocations of second degree in the manufacturing industries"

F De Beule, M Zdziarski, E Heemskerk, J Garcia-Bernardo, A Jaklič, S Elia, ..., "The power of proximity at a distance: The role of interlocking directorates in reducing the liability of outsidership"

S Elia, GD Santangelo, "The evolution of strategic asset-seeking acquisitions by emerging market multinationals", International Business Review 26 (5), 855-866, 2017

F Albertoni, S Elia, S Massini, L Piscitello, "The reshoring of business services: Reaction to failure or persistent strategy?", Journal of World Business 52 (3), 417-430, 2017

A Ascani, L Gagliardi, "Heterogeneous spillover effects from MNE investments: Domestic learning capacity and technological opportunities"

S Elia, P Barbieri, R Golini, L Fratocchi, "The drivers of the relocations of second degree involving manufacturing activities: a focus on European Union"

I Alon, S Elia, S Li, "Demystifying Chinese investment modes of entry: effects of governance environment and learning", International Business in the information age, 1-30, 2017

S Elia, M Larsen, L Piscitello, "Comply or not to comply with theory? How experience shapes entry mode misalignment"

S Elia, L Grilli, "Go abroad or remain small: do foreign studying and working experiences impact the international vocation of entrepreneurs?", International Business in the information age, 1-28, 2017

S Elia, L Piscitello, "International Business in the information age", EIBA, 2017

M Zdziarski, EM Heemskerk, J Garcia-Bernardo, F De Beule, A Jaklič, ..., "The power of proximity at a distance: the role of interlocking directorates in reducing the liability of outsidership", International Business in the information age, 1-36, 2017

F Albertoni, S Elia, S Massini, L Piscitello, "Relocation of offshore business services: recovering from failure or persisting with the original strategy?"

S Elia, P Greve, D Castellani, T Vallone, "The microfoundations of industrial diversification through foreign acquisitions: An empirical analysis of UK firms", International Business in the information age, 1-34, 2017

F Albertoni, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Complementing the reshoring of manufacturing activities: the relocation of business functions", Reshoring of Manufacturing, 57-75, 2017

S Elia, L Piscitello, VG Scalera, "Collaborative innovation within Chinese MNCs' international networks: The role of cultural and institutional distances", Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe, 170-182, 2016

JM Arauzo-Carod, E Cutrini, E Suleymanov, J Van Hove, V Mustra, ..., "Causes and consequences of firm relocation processes"

S Elia, S Munjal, VG Scalera, "Technology sourcing through licensing-in foreign technologies: Benefits for emerging market firms", Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 17514, 2016

L Piscitello, L Fratocchi, S Elia, F Albertoni, "Returning from Offshore: What Do We Know?", AIB Insights 15 (4), 9-12, 2015

F Caniato, S Elia, D Luzzini, L Piscitello, S Ronchi, "Location drivers, governance model and performance in service offshoring", International Journal of Production Economics 163, 189-199, 2015

S ELIA, L SANTURRO, AV GRANAI, G PETRELLA, P ROSSI, "Hospital of Tor Vergata, Rome", CHIRURGIA 28, 221-6, 2015

S Elia, S Massini, R Narula, "Business Groups and Foreign Licenses: Performance in Emerging Markets"

F Albertoni, S Elia, L Fratocchi, L Piscitello, "Returning from offshore: what do we know?", AiB Insights 15 (4), 9-12, 2015

PJ Buckley, S Elia, M Kafouros, "Acquisitions by emerging market multinationals: Implications for firm performance", Journal of World Business 49 (4), 611-632, 2014

S Elia, F Caniato, D Luzzini, L Piscitello, "Governance choice in global sourcing of services: The impact on service quality and cost saving performance", Global Strategy Journal 4 (3), 181-199, 2014

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Entry and access to competencies abroad: Emerging market firms versus advanced market firms", Journal of International Management 20 (2), 137-152, 2014

F Alonso, C Bakir, L Brennan, C Cunha, E Czakó, F De Beule, S Elia, ..., "Policy Brief: Emerging Market Multinationals: Opportunity or Threat for Europe?"

S Mariotti, L Piscitello, S Elia, "Local externalities and ownership choices in foreign acquisitions by multinational enterprises", Economic Geography 90 (2), 187-211, 2014

F Albertoni, S Elia, "Rischio e strategia nel Global-Sourcing", La gestione dei'fornitori dominanti', 87-89, 2014

S Elia, L Piscitello, A Fernando, B Caner, B Louis, C Carlos, C Erzsébet, ..., "EMERGING MARKET MULTINATIONALS: OPPORTUNITY OR THREAT FOR EUROPE?"

F Albertoni, S Elia, "The global sourcing of business services: Evidence from the offshoring research network survey", Economia e politica industriale: 41, 2, 2014, 131-146, 2014

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Dealing with uncertainty through the ownership entry strategy: Do emerging and advanced multinational firms differ?"

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Entry mode of emerging and advanced multinational firms: Is it just a matter of uncertainty? The role of liability of origin and institutional distance", AIB Special Meeting, Date: 2013/09/19-2013/09/20, Location: Moscow, Russia, 2013

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "The effect of technological intensity and institutional distance on the cross-border investments by emerging multinational companies"

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Comparing the strategic behavior of advanced and emerging multinational firms investing abroad: The importance of the “direction” of institutional distance", World Economy Meeting, 2013

L Rabbiosi, S Elia, F Bertoni, "Acquisitions by EMNCs in developed markets: An organisational learning perspective", Management International Review 52, 193-212, 2012

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Ownership strategy, asset seeking investments and institutional distance: A comparison between emerging and advanced country firms", Institutions and emerging markets, 87-88, 2012

R Larissa, E Stefano, B Fabio, "Acquisitions by EMNCs in Developed Markets: An Organisational Learning Perspective", Management International Review 52 (2), 193-212, 2012

S Elia, L Piscitello, F De Beule, "Acquisitions of companies and acquisitions of knowledge: Do emerging and advanced multinational companies strategic behaviors differ"

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Asset seeking investments and institutional distance: a comparison between emerging and advanced country firms"

FFA Caniato, S Elia, DG Luzzini, L Piscitello, S Ronchi, "Location drivers as antecedents of offshoring performance the moderating effect of the governance model"

F De Beule, S Elia, L Piscitello, "Acquisitions of companies and acquisitions of knowledge: Do emerging and advanced multinational companies strategic behaviors differ?", International business and sustainable development (on usb), 2012

S Elia, E Maggi, I Mariotti, "Does the transport industry gain from manufacturing internationalization? An empirical investigation on the Italian regions"

S Elia, L Piscitello, "Internationalization strategies and entry mode choices: A comparison between EMNCs and AMNCs"

PJ Buckley, S Elia, M Kafouros, "Osservatorio sull’internazionalizzazione delle imprese", Economia e Politica Industriale 38 (1), 181-197, 2011

M Kafouros, PJ Buckley, S Elia, "FDI from emerging to advanced countries: some insights on the acquisition strategies and on the performance of target firms", Economia e politica industriale: 37, 1, 2011, 181-197, 2011

S Mariotti, L Piscitello, S Elia, "Spatial agglomeration of multinational enterprises: the role of information externalities and knowledge spillovers", Journal of Economic Geography 10 (4), 519-538, 2010

S Elia, E Maggi, I Mariotti, "The drivers of horizontal, vertical and conglomerate integrations in the Italian logistics industry. A discrete choice model"

S Elia, S Mariotti, L Piscitello, "L’agglomerazione delle imprese multinazionali: determinanti e implicazioni di politica industriale", Economia e Politica Industriale, 2010

S Elia, I Mariotti, L Piscitello, "The impact of outward FDI on the home country's labour demand and skill composition", International Business Review 18 (4), 357-372, 2009

S Elia, E Maggi, I Mariotti, "Gli effetti dell’internazionalizzazione produttiva sulla domanda di lavoratori delle imprese logistiche nelle regioni italiane"

F Bertoni, S Elia, L Rabbiosi, "Drivers of acquisitions from BRICs to advanced countries: firm-level evidence", DIG-Politecnico di Milano Working Paper, 2008

E Stefano, M Ilaria, P Lucia, "The impact of outward FDI on the labour demand in Italy", L'industria, 433-460, 2008

S Elia, I Mariotti, L Piscitello, "Outward investment and skill upgrading. Evidence from the Italian case", Multinationals and Local Competitiveness, 196-220, 2008

S Elia, I Mariotti, L Piscitello, "Gli effetti dell'investimento diretto all'estero sulla domanda di lavoro in Italia", L'industria 29 (3), 433-460, 2008

S Elia, I Mariotti, L Piscitello, "Labour demand effects of outward FDI. A focus on the Italian case", Prato, 2007

S Elia, S Mariotti, "The agglomeration of foreign-owned plants in Italy", ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE 34 (3), 173, 2007

S Elia, "Do Western European FDI substitute for trade towards Eastern Europe?"

S Elia, E Pompeo, V Ambrogi, O Schillaci, T Mineo, "Perfusion scan vs SPECT before surgery in elderly patients with lung cancer and limited lung function"

C Lavini, C Ruggiero, U Morandi, S Elia, "Anatomia videotoracoscopica del torace", Chirurgia toracica videoassistita, 50-60, 2006

F Tacconi, E Pompeo, V Ambrogi, G Matteucci, S Elia, T Mineo, "Recurrent cardiovascular collapses in a patient with severe emphysema resolving after reduction pneumoplasty", JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY 43, 137-139, 2002

G Massard, D Suleiman, X Ducrocq, S Elia, S Gouzou, R Kessler, ..., "Evolution locale et survie apres lobectomie bronchoplastique pour cancer bronchique", JOURNAL DE CHIRURGIE THORACIQUE ET CARDIO-VASCULAIRE 2, 77-82, 1999

JS Srai, A Bertoncelj, D Fleet, M Gregory, PJ Buckley, S Elia, Y Shi, DA Vu, "International Management"

L Fratocchi, "Returning from Offshore: What Do We Know?"

S Elia, P Barbieri, R Golini, L Fratocchi, "DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE"


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