Giulia Felice is Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano. She holds a BSc from Bocconi University of Milan and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pavia. She has been Marie Curie Scholar at UNU-MERIT in Maastricht, postdoc at the Department of Economics (DEMM) of the University of Milan and Marie-Curie fellow at the Department of Economics of the University Carlos III of Madrid. She has been involved in several projects funded by national and international institutions, among which the European Commission and the European Investment Bank. She is research fellow of the Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano.
Her research interests include the economics of growth and structural change, international trade and global value chains, the economics of innovation. In particular, she has been working, both theoretically and empirically, on the determinants and growth effects of the inter-industry reallocation of resources, with a particular focus on the theoretical micro-foundations of sectoral changes, and on the effects of the international fragmentation of production. She also works on firms' innovation and internationalization strategies and their implications.
Linee di ricerca: ResearchPapers New Dynamics and Impact of Globalization
Mostra pubblicaz.
Nascondi pubblicaz.
S Basco, G Felice, B Merlevede, M Mestieri, "Financial crises and the global supply network: Evidence from multinational enterprises", Journal of International Economics 152, 103983, 2024
MÃ Mestieri, S Basco, G Felice, B Merlevede, "Financial Crises and the Global Supply Network: Evidence from Multinational Enterprises", CEPR Discussion Papers, 2023
GB Navaretti, G Felice, E Forlani, PG Garella, "Non-tariff measures and competitiveness", Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Development Studies Working Paper, 2023
M Comunale, G Felice, "Trade and structural change: An empirical investigation", International Economics 171, 58-79, 2022
S Basco, G Felice, B Merlevede, M Mestieri, "Financial Crises and the Global Supply Chain: Evidence from Multinational Networks"
G Felice, F Lamperti, L Piscitello, "The employment implications of additive manufacturing", Industry and Innovation 29 (3), 333-366, 2022
G Felice, L Tajoli, "Trade balances and global value chains: Is there a link?", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 59, 228-246, 2021
M Comunale, G Felice, "An empirical investigation of the relationship between trade and structural change", Lietuvos bankas WORKING PAPER SERIES, 1-42, 2019
F Buonafede, G Felice, F Lamperti, L Piscitello, "Additive manufacturing and global value chains: an empirical investigation at the country level", International Business in the Information and Digital Age, 295-323, 2018
M Bratti, G Felice, "Product innovation by supplying domestic and foreign markets", International Journal of Industrial Organization 60, 126-178, 2018
L Tajoli, G Felice, "Global value chains participation and knowledge spillovers in developed and developing countries: An empirical investigation", The European Journal of Development Research 30, 505-532, 2018
J Alonso-Carrera, G Felice, X Raurich, "Inequality and Structural Change under Non-Linear Engels' Curve", UB Economics Working Papers, 2018
GB Navarettia, G Felice, E Forlanic, PG Garella, "Non-tariff measures, competitiveness and the population of exporters"
F Buonafede, G Felice, F Lamperti, L Piscitello, "Does Additive Manufacturing Impact Global Value Chains? A Country-level Empirical Study"
JA Carrera, G Felice, X Raurich, "Inequality and Structural Change under Non-Linear Engel's Curve"
G Felice, "Size and composition of public investment, sectoral composition and growth", European Journal of Political Economy 44, 136-158, 2016
I Cingolani, G Felice, L Tajoli, "External Imbalances in the European Union and International Fragmentation of Production: Is There a Link?", Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Development Studies Working Paper, 2015
S Cerisola, D Castellani, G Felice, E Forlani, L Veronica, "Mapping Competitiveness with European Data"
G Felice, L Tajoli, "Innovation and the International Fragmentation of Production: Complements or Substitutes?"
G Felice, L Tajoli, "External imbalances in the European Union and international fragmentation of production", Proceedings of the International Atlantic Economic Conference, 2014
G Felice, L Tajoli, "External Imbalances in the European Union and International Fragmentation of Production: Is There a Link?", Politec-nico di Milano and Centro Studi Lucad'Agliano Working Paper, 2013
G Felice, L Tajoli, "External imbalances in the Euro area and International fragmentation of production: is there a link?", ETSG 15th Annual Conference, 1-20, 2013
G Felice, L Tajoli, "Il commercio internazionale in valore aggiunto nell'Unione Europea", L'Italia nell'economia internazionale. Rapporto ICE 2012-2013, 55-59, 2013
M Bratti, G Felice, "Are exporters more likely to introduce product innovations?", The World Economy 35 (11), 1559-1598, 2012
M Bratti, G Felice, "Buyer-supplier relationships, internationalization and product innovation", Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, 2012
M Bratti, G Felice, "Product innovation and learning by supplying in foreign and domestic markets"
S Cerisola, E D’Alfonso, G Felice, S Giannangeli, D Maggioni, "Investment in intangible assets and level of sophistication: the role of Italian firms’ financial structure. Efige Country Report Series", Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, 2012
S Cerisola, E D'Alfonso, G Felice, S Giannangeli, D Maggioni, "Investment in intangible assets and level of sophistication: the role of Italian firms financial structure"
G Felice, "Size and composition of public investment, structural change and growth"
M Bratti, G Felice, "Buyer-Supplier relationships, exporting and innovation"
M Bratti, G Felice, "Buyer-Supplier relationships, exporting and innovation (Long Abstract)"
L Bonatti, G Felice, "Trade And Growth In A Two‐Country Model With Home Production And Uneven Technological Spillovers", The Manchester School 78 (5), 484-509, 2010
G Felice, "A Two-Sector Model of Public Investment and Growth", DEGIT Conference Papers, 2010
M Bratti, G Felice, "Exporting and product innovation at the firm level"
G Felice, "Structural Change and Growth: the Role of Public Investments!"
M Bratti, G Felice, "Export and product innovation at firm level", MPRA Paper 18915, 2009
G Felice, "A two-sector model of public investment and growth", Department of Economics in Milan university, 2009
L Bonatti, G Felice, "Endogenous growth and changing sectoral composition in advanced economies", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 19 (2), 109-131, 2008
L Bonatti, G Felice, "Quaderni di Dipartimento"
G Felice, "Dinamica strutturale e occupazione nei servizi", University of Trento, 2003
M Bratti, G Felice, "Export and Product Innovation at Firm Level (Esportazioni ed Innovazione di prodotto a livello di impresa)"