Politecnico di Milano: Coltivare_Salute.Com: ripensare le Case della Salute
The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed vulnerable areas in the health systems, concerning both hospitals and assistance.

The Coltivare_Salute.Com project focuses on the Community Health Centres – Case della Salute in the Emilia-Romagna Region: based on the Piacenza case study, the aim is to experiment and verify a replicable methodology for turning them from health service providers into opportunities for social, architectural and urban regeneration, in order to cultivate health in neighbourhoods, take care of the socially vulnerable and build widespread urbanity and socialising.

Coltivare_Salute.Com is one of the 5 winning projects in the 2020 edition of the Polisocial Award, the Politecnico di Milano’s initiative which uses “5×1000” pre-tax donations to finance research projects for social purposes.

Find out how to donate your “5×1000” to Politecnico di Milano: https://www.dona.polimi.it/il-5-x-mille/

La pandemia da Covid-19 ha evidenziato aree di vulnerabilità dei sistemi sanitari, sia sul versante ospedaliero che su quello dell’assistenza territoriale. Le Case della Salute (CdS) rappresentano una risorsa: queste strutture, distribuite sul territorio di alcune regioni italiane, hanno lo scopo…

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