Politecnico di Milano: Girls@polimi: premiate 13 studentesse di ingegneria
The recipients of GIRLS@POLIMI scholarships have been announced: these scholarships have been set up to support female students who choose engineering degree courses that still today see low numbers of girls enrolling (

Donations by BCG in Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Snam, and a private donor have enabled the Politecnico di Milano to award scholarships to 13 female students.

GIRLS@POLIMI is one of the tangible actions put in place by the university as part of its Pari Opportunità Politecniche (Politecnico Equal Opportunities) strategic programme to promote opportunities for inclusion and gender equality.

Alice, Aurora D., Aurora M., Benedetta, Camilla, Giulia B., Giulia D., Greta, Lisa, Marta, Pingping, Wei e Yichen sono le 13 nuove vincitrici delle borse di studio Girls@Polimi, nate per sostenere le studentesse che hanno scelto di iscriversi ai corsi di laurea di Ingegneria che ancora oggi mostrano…

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