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Sapevi che il progetto della Lambretta (1947) è in gran parte merito di Pier Luigi Torre, ingegnere e docente di Disegno di Macchine e Progetti al Politecnico di Milano?

Gli stabilimenti della Innocenti, che dal 1947 produce Lambretta, si trovano a Milano, vicino al Lambro, e dal fiume prese il nome il nuovo scooter, un veicolo conveniente pensato per incontrare le esigenze del pubblico italiano, in difficoltà economiche nel Dopoguerra.

Puoi scoprire la storia della Lambretta, insieme a molte altre, visitando MADE IN POLIMI, l’esposizione che racconta passato, presente e futuro del Politecnico attraverso i suoi progetti innovativi: https://www.biblio.polimi.it/sedi-e-orari/made-in-polimi.

Did you know that the design of the Lambretta scooter (1947) was largely the work of Pier Luigi Torre, an engineer and professor of Did you know that the design of the Lambretta scooter (1947) was largely the work of Pier Luigi Torre, an engineer and professor of the Politecnico di Milano?

The Lambretta owes its name to the Lambro, the river that runs near the manufacturing plant of the Innocenti company, that produced the scooter in Milan starting from 1947. It was an affordable vehicle designed to meet the needs of the Italian public, which was facing hard economic conditions in the post-war period.

You can discover its story, along with many others, by visiting MADE IN POLIMI, the exposition that shows Politecnico di Milano’s past, present and future through its innovative projects: https://www.biblio.polimi.it/en/locations-and-times/made-in-polimi.

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