La dottoranda Grazia Marrone e la dottoranda Visiting Shuqi LI (Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni e Ambiente Costruito) si aggiudicano il Premio per Progetti di Ricerca dell’ANPE – Ass. Naz. Poliuretano Espanso rigido per il loro progetto “Incremental Systems using PU Insulation. From Emergency to Implementable, Flexible and Demountable Envelopes: The Case of Peace Village in Brovary, Ukraine”.
The PhD student Grazia Marrone and the Visiting PhD student Shuqi LI (Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering) win the Research Projects Award by ANPE (National Association of Rigid Polyurethane Foam) for their project “Incremental Systems using PU Insulation. From Emergency to Implementable, Flexible and Demountable Envelopes: The Case of Peace Village in Brovary, Ukraine”.
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